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Deck Set 2 0 4 – Simple Presentation Creator Maker

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Deck Set 2 0 4 Simple Presentation Creator Maker Online
Deck Set 2 0 4 Simple Presentation Creator Maker App
Hey! I've finally built a replacement for this tool that I think is up to par. It includes some of your requests and should work well on mobile devices. Try out Cutlist Workbench and let me know what you think.
Version 2.2 build 2004 changes: fixed some audio track issues. If you got the silence in your slideshow, please update to this build; a dozen of minor issues were fixed also. Replacements: None. The cards in this deck are easy to obtain and level up. Musicmasters X-Bow. Strong defense, almost as good an offense. There are 2 ways you can play this great deck: either play a pseudo bait style by baiting Rocket/Fireball using Collector, or playing a deep defense, with a defensive X-Bow to support your offensive one.
This calculator attempts to generate the most efficient cut list for a given set of pieces. Note my use of the word 'attempts.' There are several ways to solve this problem and several 'correct' answers. This tries one way and gives you a correct answer. It's based on linear board-feet and so works only in the one dimension. I may expand it to handle plywood at some point in the future but don't count on it. Fractional Inch Reference 1/32 0.03125 1/16 0.0625 3/32 0.09375 1/8 0.125 5/32 0.15625 3/16 0.1875 7/32 0.21875 1/4 0.25 9/32 0.28125 5/16 0.3125 11/32 0.34375 3/8 0.375 13/32 0.40625 7/16 0.4375 15/32 0.46875 1/2 0.5 17/32 0.53125 9/16 0.5625 19/32 0.59375 5/8 0.625 21/32 0.65625 11/16 0.6875 23/32 0.71875 3/4 0.75 25/32 0.78125 13/16 0.8125 27/32 0.84375 7/8 0.875 29/32 0.90625 15/16 0.9375 31/32 0.96875
Step 1: Available stock - Select the available lengths: Deck Set 2 0 4 Simple Presentation Creator Maker Online Add a custom stock: inches (decimal numbers only)
Description: (optional) will store the stock lengths to a cookie so your browser will remember them in the future. Saved stock will automatically be loaded when you visit this site. This is experimental.
How to get ip address for mac . Step 2: Method - Select which method you prefer:
Step 3: Cut Width - Enter how much of the board is lost to each cut (width of the blade):
Step 4: Piece List - Enter a list of board lengths you need to obtain: Component List ID Quantity Length
(in.) '
Step 5: Output options: Output to new window good for printing but you might have to twiddle your print settings to make it look good Notes:
Step 6: Ready, steady,
Step 7: Once you're happy with your results, you might want to save or print them off. Set the 'Output to new window' option above and the results will go into a popup window. var stock = '48':inches:48, description:'4', '72':inches:72, description:'6', '92_625':inches:92.625,description:'standard 8' stud', '96':inches:96, description:'8', '104_625':inches:104.625,description:'standard 9' stud', '116_625':inches:116.625,description:'standard 10' stud', '120':inches:120, description:'10', '144':inches:144, description:'12', '168':inches:168, description:'14', '192':inches:192, description:'16', '216':inches:216, description:'18', '240':inches:240, description:'20'; function GetStockByLength(l) for(k in stock) if(stock[k].inches l) return stock[k]; return undefined; function GetStockInputHTML(i) if(stock[i] ! undefined) return ' ' + stock[i].description + ' (' + stock[i].inches + ')'; else return '; function UpdateAvailableStock() d = document.getElementById('AvailabileStock'); d.innerHTML = '; for(key in stock) d.innerHTML += GetStockInputHTML(key) + '
'; function AddCustomStock(description,inches) if(description undefined && inches undefined) // Get them from the form fields instead of programatically description = document.getElementById('CustomStockDescription').value; inches = document.getElementById('CustomStockLength').value; if(description.length 0) alert('You must specify a description of the stock to add.'); return false; else if(inches.length 0) alert('You must specify a decimal length of the stock to add.'); return false; else if(stock[inches] ! undefined) alert('A stock of this length already exists.'); return false; else document.getElementById('CustomStockDescription').value = '; document.getElementById('CustomStockLength').value = '; key = inches.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_'); stock[key] = description:description, inches:inches, default:true ; UpdateAvailableStock(); function GetSelectedStock() var stockLengths = Array(); for(i in stock) if(document.getElementById('AvailStock' + i).checked) stockLengths[stockLengths.length] = stock[i].inches; return stockLengths; function ResetPieces() var tbl = document.getElementById('PieceTable').tBodies[0]; for(i = tbl.rows.length - 1; i = 0; i--) tbl.deleteRow(i); function print_r(o) m = 'n'; for(k in o) m += ' ' + k + ':' + o[k] + 'n'; m += ''; return m; function RemovePiece(o) o.srcElement.parentNode.parentNode.remove(); var tbl = document.getElementById('PieceTable').tBodies[0]; for(i = 0; i No pieces were set to be produced (step 4) '; else outHTML += ' Generating the following components:
'; // Build an array of each necessary board length // Sort the array from smallest to largest for(i = 1; i 0) outHTML += ' [' + i + '] ' + pLen + ' (x' + pQty + ')
'; for(startIdx = 0; startIdx piecesNeeded.length && piecesNeeded[startIdx][0] = pLen; startIdx++); for(j = 0; j pQty; j++) piecesNeeded.splice(startIdx, 0, Array(pLen, pId)); // Build an array of available stock lengths, sorted in ascending order var stockLengths = GetSelectedStock(); if(stockLengths.length 0) outHTML += '
Cannot continue: no stock was marked as available (step 1).
'; else outHTML += '
The following stock board lengths are available:
'; for(i = 0; i stockLengths.length; i++) outHTML += ' ' + stockLengths[i] + '
'; // Ensure that the longest board is shorter than the longest available stock if(piecesNeeded[piecesNeeded.length - 1][0] stockLengths[stockLengths.length - 1]) outHTML += '
Cannot continue: the longest component required is longer than the longest stock available.
'; else var cutWidth = parseFloat(document.getElementById('CutWidth').value); var boards = Array(); // board[?] = Array(boardLength, usedLength, Array(componentIDs ..)) // Main loop while(piecesNeeded.length 0) // Create a new board of the largest stock size var thisBoard = Array( stockLengths[stockLengths.length - 1], 0, Array() ); // Iterate through the needed components list for(j = piecesNeeded.length - 1; j = 0; j--) // Add component if it will fit, subtracting it from the list if(thisBoard[0] - thisBoard[1] - piecesNeeded[j][0] = 0) thisBoard[1] += piecesNeeded[j][0]; thisBoard[2].splice(-1, 0, piecesNeeded[j]); piecesNeeded.splice(j, 1); // Adjust for cutting losses if(thisBoard[1] + cutWidth = thisBoard[0]) thisBoard[1] = thisBoard[0]; else thisBoard[1] += cutWidth; // Attempt to reduce the length of the board to the shortest stock length that will accommodate for(j = stockLengths.length - 1; j = 0; j--) if(stockLengths[j] = thisBoard[1]) thisBoard[0] = stockLengths[j]; if(thisBoard[2].length 0) alert('Got stuck somehow :-/'); break; boards[boards.length] = thisBoard; // Done when there are no needed components left resultHTML = '
Results: '; boardSummaryList = ; for(i = 0; i '; resultHTML += boards[i][0] + ' board = '; for(j = 0; j ' + boards[i][2][j][1] + ' '; resultHTML += ((boards[i][0] boards[i][1] ? boards[i][2].length - 1 : boards[i][2].length) * cutWidth) + ' cut losses + '; excess = (boards[i][0] - boards[i][1]); resultHTML += excess + ' excess
'; visual += ' '; resultHTML += visual; resultHTML += ' '; outHTML += resultHTML; outHTML += '
Board Count:
'; for(bl in boardSummaryList) outHTML += ' ' + boardSummaryList[bl] + 'x ' + bl + ' (' + GetStockByLength(bl).description + ')
'; var outPane = document.getElementById('CutList'); outPane.innerHTML = outHTML; if(document.getElementById('OutputInNewWindow').checked) w =; w.document.write(' Cutlist ' +' ' +' + outHTML +' Generated at ' +' Notes ' + listNotes +' Over 5 Million people and 1000s of teams already use Creately Document IT networks with minimal effort
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